Re: Daily crash

From: Bruno Wolff III <bruno(at)wolff(dot)to>
To: Catalin <catalin(at)cyber(dot)ro>
Cc: pgsql-performance(at)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Re: Daily crash
Date: 2003-02-27 13:30:11
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Lists: pgsql-performance

On Thu, Feb 27, 2003 at 14:51:59 +0200,
Catalin <catalin(at)cyber(dot)ro> wrote:
> i'm afraid i don't have any logs.
> i have the default redhat instalation of postgres 7.0.2 which comes with no
> logging enabled.

You should upgrade to 7.2.4 or 7.3.2. (7.3 has schemas and that may make
upgrading harder which is why you might consider just going to 7.2.4.)

> i will try to enable logging and post the logs to the list !
> anyway in PHP when trying to connect to the crashed SQL server i get the
> error message:
> Too many connections...

You are going to want the number of allowed connections to match the number
of simultaneous requests possible from the web server. Typically this is
the maximum number of allowed apache processes which defaults to something
like 150. The default maximum number of connections to postgres is about
32. You will also want to raise the number of shared buffers to about
1000 (assuming you have at least a couple hundred of megabytes of memory),
not just to 2 times the new maximum number of connections. This may require
to change the maximum amount of shared memory allowed by your operating
system. Also take a look at increasing sort mem as well. You don't want
this too high because each sort gets this much memory and in your situation
it may be that you could have a lot of sorts runing at the same time
(dpending on the types of queries being done).

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