April 3: Test-Fest Day

From: Josh Berkus <josh(at)agliodbs(dot)com>
To: pgsql-testers(at)postgresql(dot)org
Cc: PostgreSQL Advocacy <pgsql-advocacy(at)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: April 3: Test-Fest Day
Date: 2010-03-14 21:38:04
Message-ID: 4B9D573C.6070905@agliodbs.com
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I hereby declare Saturday, April 3, PostgreSQL Test-Fest day. Get our
your computers and get ready to test Version 9.

We need *you* to spend a full day testing Postgres 9 in order to
complete the Alpha/Beta testing period on time and release 9.0 as
scheduled. Without your help testing many of the complex new features
... such as Hot Standby, Synchronous Replication, DO(), new PL/Perl,
named parameters, new Listen/Notify and more ... we simply will not be
able to release on time. There's far too much testing to be done for
our few dozen major contributors to do it all.

The San Francisco PostgreSQL Users' Group will be having a Test-Fest at
Noisebridge on Mission Street in San Francisco all day April 3. A dozen
or more of our members will be showing up with laptops, desktops and
shelling into remote servers in order to test all of the Postgres 9
features. If you are in the Bay Area, we need you to attend! There
will be free food and drink. RSVP on Meetup.

If you don't live in the SF Bay Area, that's no excuse not to
participate. First, if you have a local User Group, organize your own
Test-Fest. SFPUG's planning page is on the wiki for you to use and
copy. Further, SFPUG plans to have live streaming video of the
Test-Fest so that users from all over the world (at least, those in
compatible time zones) can participate in the Test-Fest from their own
homes and offices.


PostgreSQL needs you! Help us test version 9!


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